Restorative Yoga Classes
Restorative Yoga Classes
Restorative yoga classes offer a quieter, more reserved practice and are a great way to complement your regular yoga practice during the week.
Restorative classes also offer a good alternative for anyone wanting a more supportive approach to postures. This can be, for example, during recovery from injury, menstruation, or fatigue.
While restorative classes are a fantastic way to complement your yoga practice, it is beneficial when students have acquired a certain level of experience with poses taught in the regular asana classes.
This class suits all level 1 and 2 students. We recommend a minimum of 6 months of Iyengar yoga experience to attend restorative classes.
For absolute beginners looking for a gentler approach to starting their yoga journey, please consider our Gentle Beginners Yoga Classes.
All our normal passes and memberships are valid for attending our restorative classes.
Check out our other classes

Beginners Yoga Classes
Beginners yoga classes suit absolute beginners, those returning to yoga after a break and those wanting an introduction to the Iyengar yoga method.
Gentle Beginner Classes
A gentler and slower-paced introduction to yoga. Gentle classes are suitable for more mature people, seniors, and those working with injuries or medical issues.
Progressing (Level 1) Yoga Classes
For those who have completed the 10-week Beginners Course, or those with prior Iyengar yoga experience.
Intermediate (Level 1.5) Classes
For those wanting to progress with a more gradual transition from Level 1 to Level 2
Advanced (Level 2) Yoga Classes
For eager students who have completed a minimum of 18 months at Level 1.
Private & Group Bookings
We offer private sessions and are happy to facilitate group bookings.

Online Yoga Classes
Our level 1 and 2 classes are offered with an online option available from the comfort of your home.
Led Practice
Led Practice is open to regular students at Hamilton Yoga. Led practice is not a class but a practice session without instructions.
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